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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Lactation Room

The lactation room is designed to be used infant feeding, nursing, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, or pumping. It is a comfortable, private space with a sink, microwave, cozy chair, refrigerator, and electrical source. Participants will have badge access to the lactation room throughout the semester. A new agreement must be completed each ​semester to maintain access. Contact the Office of Student Life and Diversity​ with questions.


You must complete a new agreement each semester to avoid scheduling conflicts. If you are having trouble finding time to use the lactation room due to scheduling or course conflicts. Students should reach out to the Title IX Office at to discuss accommodations and employees should reach out to the Human Resources Department at

Participant Responsibilities

Saint Paul College is committed to ensuring that the lactation room remains clean and secure. We ask that you help us achieve this by being respectful of the space and the other participants who use it.

Participants agree to:

  • Use the room for infant feeding or lactation purposes only.
  • Respect the privacy of other lactation room participants.
  • Not allow other individuals access to the lactation room at any time.
  • Secure the room during and after each use.
  • Not leave any personal items or equipment in the lactation room.
  • Clean up any spills or other untidiness created during use of the room.
  • Not leave any stored milk in the refrigerator overnight. Any milk left overnight may be discarded.
  • Provide all supplies I will need such as a pump, accessories, storage containers, ice packs, cooler, etc.
  • Complete a new agreement each semester and understand that badge access to the lactation room will be revoked if I do not do so.
  • Notify the Office of Student Life and Diversity if I no longer need to use the room, if my schedule changes, or if I have questions 651.846.1659 or
  • Contact Public Safety for maintenance or security concerns at 651.846.1322 or

College Responsibilities

Saint Paul College is committed to ensuring that the lactation room remains clean and secure. We will take the actions below to ensure equitable access to the space. The College will:

  • Ensure that the lactation room is clean, tidy, and secure.
  • Provide a sink, a microwave, a cozy chair, a refrigerator, and an electrical source.
  • Provide dish soap, antibacterial wipes, and paper towels.
  • Provide each participant with a clear storage bin and lock to secure expressed milk until the end of the day.
  • Not be responsible for securing personal items left in the room against theft or use by others.
  • Possibly remove and dispose of any items left in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Respond to any safety and maintenance concerns in a timely manner.
  • Connect participants with the Title IX office to discuss accommodations for lactating students who are having trouble finding time to use the lactation room due to course scheduling constraints.

Complete a Participant Agreement

If you need to access the lactation room, please complete the appropriate form below or reach out to the office of Student Life and Diversity for more information.

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